
PEERS® for Preschoolers Certified Training Seminar

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Mán. 15., þri. 16. og mið. 17. sept. kl. 8:30 - 16:30

24 klst.

Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands

Peningur 219.900 kr.
Snemmskráning til og með 18. ágúst. Almennt verð 241.900.

This certified training is for mental health professionals, school-based professionals, medical professionals, speech and language pathologists, occupational, recreational, and behavioral therapists, researchers and other professionals who work with children  (age 4-6) with social challenges.


Offsite Preschoolers certified trainings are conducted across 3 days (24 hours total). 

  • Attendees will be provided instruction and materials for delivery of PEERS using a parent-only telehealth model, and observe live-to-tape parent teleheath groups.
  • The training will enable providers to implement PEERS in clinical or educational settings with PEERS for Preschoolers Certified Providers, and/or in oline settings as PEERS Certified Telehealth Providers.

Attendees will receive:

  • Puppet shows and role play videos.
  • PowerPoint slides for telehealth delivery.
  • All materials needed to sucessfully implement your own PEERS for Preschoolers program, including proprietary measures and forms.
  • Expertise to adminster the PEERS for Preschoolers program in education or clinical settings.
  • Inclusion on the PEERS for Preschoolers Certified Providers directory, providing opportunities for patient referrals from the PEERS clinic.



Anyone is welcome to attend the training and receive instruction on this type of intervention. However, all attendees seeking certification MUST be a professional or graduate student in the mental health
professional, medical, or education field with the following minimum level of training:

  • A degree in the field of psychology or a related mental health field, including, but not limited to:
    B.C.B.A., M.S.W., L.C.S.W., M.A., M.S., M.F.T., M.D., R.N., L.V.N., Ph.D., Psy.D., Ed.D., M.P.H.
  • Graduate students in a mental health or education related field pursuing a master’s degree or higher degree.
  • Attendee qualifications must be submitted to and approved by Dr. Laugeson at most 14 days prior to the training in order to ensure certification.
  • Attendees who DO NOT meet these qualifications may receive of certificate of training, but will not be PEERS® Certified Providers.


Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson, Founder & Director, UCLA PEERS® Clinic PEERS® Curriculum Developer
As the developer of PEERS, Dr. Laugeson has trained tens of thousands of mental health professionals, educators, and families worldwide, and is dedicated to developing, testing, and disseminating evidence-based treatments to improve social skills for individuals across the lifespan and across the globe. As one of the only empirically supported and internationally recognized social skills programs for neurodivergent youth, her programs are currently used in over 150 countries and have been translated into over a dozen languages. Her work has been featured is numerous media outlets, including People Magazine, USA Today, the Washington Post, LA Times, New York Times, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, and the Emmy award winning Netflix series, Love on the Spectrum.


Nánar um kennara

Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson, Founder & Director, UCLA PEERS® Clinic, PEERS® Curriculum Developer


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PEERS® for Preschoolers Certified Training Seminar
