
Assessment and Treatment in Childhood OCD

Aðeins 1 sæti laust

Vantar þig aðstoð við nýskráningu inn á Mínar síður? Horfðu á leiðbeiningarmyndbandið!

Fös. 9. og lau. 10. maí kl. 9:00 - 16:00 (2x)

14 klst.

Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands

Peningur 79.800 kr.
Snemmskráning til og með 7. maí. Almennt verð 91.000 kr.

In cooperation with the Icelandic Association of CBT

The workshop is a part of the specialized program in cognitive behavioral therapy. Taught in English.

Dr Amita Jassi is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist at the National and Specialist OCD service for young people in the UK. She has worked in the service since 2010 and has developed, evaluated and refined treatment for OCD in young people based on her clinical experience. She has trained nationally and internationally on OCD assessment and treatment. She is the author of a treatment workbook and therapist manuals for autistic young people with OCD. 

This is an interactive and experiential workshop that will cover the fundamentals of assessing and treating OCD in young people, with special consideration of autistic youth given the high levels OCD in this group.  
There will be a focus on training on the gold standard assessment tool for OCD with case examples and roles plays.  The treatment aspect of the workshop will focus on exposure with response prevention, discussing how to implement this technique and overcome common pitfalls. 

What you will learn:
- How to assess OCD in autistic and non-autistic young people
- How to undertake an evidence-based treatment approach for OCD
- How to adapt CBT for OCD for autistic youth

Topics covered:
- What is OCD? Common obsessions and compulsions
- How to use the Children’s Yale-Brown Obsessive Scales (CY-BOCS)
- Evidence based for OCD treatment 
- CBT for OCD with case example 
- Common pitfalls of OCD treatment 
- Guiding principles for managing risk  
- Assessment adaptations for autistic youth 
- Adapting CBT for autistic young people

Who should enroll:
Cognitive Behaviour Therapists; Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatrists and other mental health professionals. Professionals at all levels will benefit from this workshop.


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Assessment and Treatment in Childhood OCD
