Vantar þig aðstoð við nýskráningu inn á Mínar síður? Horfðu á leiðbeiningarmyndbandið!
Fös. 25. og lau. 26. apríl kl. 9:00 - 16:00 (2x)
Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands
In cooperation with the Icelandic Association of CBT
The workshop is a part of the specialized program in cognitive behavioral therapy. Taught in English.
Psychological therapies for those with personality disorders have differed in intensity, length of treatment and in complexity of both the theoretical basis of the therapy and in the techniques used in therapy. CBTpd is a focused, time limited, therapy for people with borderline, and for those with antisocial, personality disorder. Most patients with personality disorders will also suffer from other mental health disorders and problems.
CBTpd takes a developmental perspective, engaging the person in producing a narrative formulation of their unique circumstances and problems. Treatment techniques focus on emotional and behavioral regulation, in the context of interpersonal relationships. Developing a non-judgmental, authentic and warm therapeutic relationship is central in CBTpd.
What you will learn:
- Increase knowledge and understanding of borderline and antisocial personality disorders.
- How to take a developmental perspective to produce a narrative, in-depth formulation.
- How to focus on key issues and problems in carrying out therapy with a highly comorbid patient group.
- How to work with suicidal behaviours and thoughts in therapy.
- Be able to devise a variety of ways to regulate emotions using your clinical and personal experience and be able to use behavioural experiments, particularly to improve relationships.
Training modalities:
The workshop will be interactive and include both experiential and didactic teaching and videos.
Participants will be able to discuss how they work with patients with PD and how they manage problems in the therapeutic relationship.
Who should enroll:
Cognitive Behaviour Therapists; Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatrists and other mental health professionals. Professionals with experience in mental health will benefit from this workshop.
About the presenter:
Professor Kate Davidson is Honorary Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Glasgow. She worked as a Clinical Psychologist in adult mental health in the NHS in Scotland for over 35 years. She was founder and Director of the South of Scotland CBT Course. She was President of the British and Irish Group for the Study of Personality Disorder, Board member of the International Society for the Study of Personality and Editor of the journal Personality and Mental Health. Her clinical and research work has focused on developing effective therapies for people who harm themselves or who harm others, many of whom had experienced deprivation, and emotional and physical abuse, in childhood and adolescence.
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