
Using Imagery in Clinical Practice within CBT

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Fös. 11. og lau. 12. apríl kl. 9:00 - 16:00 (2x)

14 klst.

Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands

Peningur 79.800 kr.
Snemmskráning til og með 9. apríl. Almennt verð 91.000 kr.

In cooperation with the Icelandic Association of CBT

The workshop is a part of the specialized program in cognitive behavioral therapy. Taught in English.


Distressing, imagery-based intrusive memories are the hallmark of PTSD. However, they can occur in schizophrenia, depression, OCD, Bipolar Disorder, SAD, eating disorders, personality disorders and beyond. Intrusive mental images of the future can also occur, such as 'flashforwards‘ to suicidal acts or manic pursuits in bipolar disorder. 
Mental imagery has interesting properties – it recruits similar brain areas to actual perception, enhances memory and learning and, compared to verbal processing, it has a more powerful impact on emotion. Learning how to ‘harness’ the power of mental imagery to help alleviate distress is an important tool for any CBT practitioner.


What you will learn:
•    What mental imagery.
•    How to assess and ‘micro-formulate’ mental imagery.
•    An outline and understanding of different imagery techniques.

Topics covered:
•    What is mental imagery from clinical and theoretical perspectives.
•    How to assess and ‘micro-formulate’ troublesome mental imagery across psychological disorders.
•    How to understand and practise meta-cognitive, imagery re-scripting, and positive imagery techniques.
•    Use examples of how to apply these techniques in treating adults with PTSD and bipolar disorder predominantly, but other conditions will also be discussed, and many techniques may also be applicable to children.

Who should enroll:
Cognitive Behaviour Therapists; Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatrists and other mental mental health professionals. Professionals at all levels will benefit from this workshop.

Kerry Young is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Lead of the Woodfield Trauma Service in London, UK, a leading center for the treatment of asylum seekers and refugees suffering from PTSD. She also works at the Oxford Rose Clinic, a service for the medical and psychological treatment of women who have experienced Female Genital Mutilation. She has advised national bodies in the UK on how to train clinicians to work with refugees, PTSD and Complex PTSD. Kerry has worked with research teams in Oxford University, Sweden, Germany, Iceland and The Netherlands on developing imagery-based interventions for PTSD, Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia. She is an expert in mental imagery techniques and on their life-changing benefits for clients. She trains nationally and internationally in using imagery techniques within CBT, as well as on how to treat PTSD and Complex PTSD.  


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Using Imagery in Clinical Practice within CBT
