
ABW Masterclass for Architects

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Wed. 6th of November at 8:30 – 12:30

4 klst.

Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands

Peningur 90.000 kr.

Activity Based Working (ABW) is all about creating a better world of work: for organisations, teams and people.

Better offices, more effective ways of working, smarter collaborations, higher empowerment, improved vitality, increased innovation power, better usage of office space, ... is all this possible? Yes, with the right approach, a clear and strong vision and some courage!

Designing an ABW is more an art than a skill. It‘s is unlike any traditional office design. It requires insight in mutliple components that have to do with the way of working, the functional zoning, the desired behavioural impact of the office, etc etc. V+C has decades of experience in this workfield.

This masterclass is intended to teach, discuss & get acquinted with the basics for this art / skill. It will enable you as an architect to create sustainable, great place to work that are both efficient AND engaging.

Masterclass is lead by Tim de Vos, consultant and leader of the Benelux team at Veldhoen. The main architect for the Saga building will join us as a guest lecturer. The masterclass ends with a tour of the Saga building.


What is ABW:
Remote & flexible working is one part of this change which seems to be here to stay. But it is a challenge to create workplaces and workspaces to make this new reality a success!

We all know that open offices have a negative effect. But we also know that our present offices are empty most of the time. And we all know that, for many, increased choice and freedom are crucial components of being satisfied at your workpace. ABW has an answer to all of that.

That leads to many questions:

  • What are the benefits and requirements of applying more flexible ways of working - like ABW- in your organization?
  • Whose responsibility is it, to choose where and when to work? The CEO, the people leader, the team, or the individual?
  • Is ABW a way to save cost, a way to keep your staff satisfied, a people & performance enabler, or a combination of all?
  • What does research on ABW tell us? How can it become successful for everyone?
  • How will the function of the workplace change when people start applying ABW?

How has the world of work been changing? 
Watch this animation about Activity Based Working to find out, and discover what we can all achieve by changing with it.

ABW requires a consistent and professional approach. A one size fits all doesn‘t work, but there are many best & worst practices to share from all over the world. In this course, the history of ABW and prominent ABW stories will be shared with you. Also stories about ABW in Iceland: where this topic is relatively new and still fully in development to make it work.

Stories about connecting, empowering, inspiring, healthy and sustainable workspaces that often transform the DNA of the organization. 
Workspaces where people are both productive and happy. Where the environment enables people to flourish and where people love to be.

Besides these stories, the course entails a lot of space for Q&A and, last but not least, the models and approaches that have proven to be successful for introducing ABW. 

It is an inspirational workshop that covers many ABW topics. Attending this workshop will help you decide whether and why ABW is something valuable for your organisation. But will also give you answers on how you should approach ABW, if you consider going this way.

What you will learn:

  • What could innovative ways of working based on empowerment, choice and trust look like?
  • How does the strategic lever-function of the physical, virtual, and behavioural workspace work?
  • Which tools have been proven successful when it comes to implementing ABW successfully?

Topics covered:

  • ABW definitions. 
  • ABW best practices. What are the most remarkable success stories of ABW around the world? What is it that creates the success?
  • ABW worst practices. What can and did go wrong with ABW? What has gone wrong with ABW?
  • The HOW for ABW. Best practice process models and approaches that have been proven to lead to impressive results.

Who should enroll:
This course is intended for architects.

Tim de Vos used to work as an independent program manager in Dutch Broadcasting Companies, before starting @ Veldhoen + Company in 2006. With a background in Art, Facility Management and psychotherapy, Tim is always motivated to look at the world of work from multiple perspectives. In 2024, Tim is senior consultant and gloabal Lead for Culture & Change at Veldhoen + Company.

Other Information:
Participants are welcome to email questions and inquiries to Tim de Vos before or after the workshop.


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ABW Masterclass for Architects
