

Do you have the right to a grant from your union towards the cost for a course or studies?
Unions fund their members’ costs when they apply for courses or studies. Endurmenntun encourages all course participants to apply for any grants they may have rights to. Below you will find links to websites where you can access information on grants but note that this is not a full list of all unions available. Contact your union for further information.

Afl stéttarfélag - Afl Union

BHM (Icelandic Confederation of University Graduates)

BSRB (Stéttarfélög í almennaþjónustu)

Efling  - Efling Union

FFÍ (Flugfreyjufélag Íslands / The Icelandic Cabin Crew Association)

FÍA (Félag íslenskra atvinnuflugmanna / The Icelandic Airline Pilots‘ Association)

Kennarasamband Íslands (The Icelandic Teachers‘ Union)

Kjölur (Stéttarfélag starfsmanna í almannaþjónustu) - Kjölur Union

LL (Landssamband Lögreglumanna / The Icelandic Police Officers‘ Union)

Landsmennt (Fræðslusjóður Samtaka atvinnulífsins og verkafólks á landsbyggðinni - The Confederation of Icelandic Employers (SA) educational and training fund)

MATVÍS (The Icelandic Chefs‘ Association)

Rafiðnaðarsamband Íslands (The Icelandic Electricians‘ Association)

SEF (Samstarfsnefnd um endurmenntun framhaldsskólakennara / Comittee for the continuous education of secondary school teachers)

Sameyki (SFR) - Sameyki Union

Samband stjórnendafélaga

SSF – Samtök starfsmanna fjármálafyrirtækja (The Confederation of Icelandic Bank and Finance Employees)

Starfsafl - Union Educational Fund

Starfsgreinasamband Íslands - Federation of General and Special Workers in Iceland

Starfsmenntasjóður SVS (VR, LÍV, FVSA) - Educational Fund for Office Workers
Verkfræðingafélag Íslands - Association of Chartered Engineers in Iceland

VR  - VR Union


Vinnumálastofnun (The Directorate of Labour)